Terms & Conditions


1. These provisions define the terms and conditions of use of the NAIJAHOOKUP social networking site.
2. NAIJAHOOKUP is a platform aimed at enabling social contacts between users of the site.
3. NAIJAHOOKUP is not a party to the relations established through the site, nor is it an intermediary in establishing relations. The site administrator only makes available to the users the resources of the IT system, including the website: www.NAIJAHOOKUP in order to store data, i.e. announcements and comments of the registered users, which are then made available on the site in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law.
4. The site administrator is not liable for the consequences of relations between the site users established through using the site and is not liable for contacts and relations established using the content published on the site.
5. The site administrator uses appropriate security measures to protect the personal data of the site users, aimed at preventing unauthorised persons from accessing the database.

Terms and Conditions of using the site

1. Users of the NAIJAHOOKUP personal ads site must be of legal age.
2. In order to use the site, the user must set up an account and accept these Terms and Conditions before using the site. Registering an account is free of charge. During the registration process the user is obliged to provide contact information, enabling the site to render services to the user (a name or a username and a valid e-mail address).
3. Only registered users can post personal ads and comments at NAIJAHOOKUP Placing advertisements and comments is free of charge.
4. Non-registered users may use the site in a limited form by viewing posted ads and comments. Viewing the content of the NAIJAHOOKUP site is free of charge.
5. The content of the published ads is intended to be for information purposes only and cannot be treated as a commercial offer or a binding commitment to initiate contact with another user.
6. By registering, users of the NAIJAHOOKUP site agree to receive information from other users of the site, and are aware that the information received may contain content or proposals of erotic and sexual nature.
7. It is prohibited to use the NAIJAHOOKUP site in any manner that is contrary to these Terms and Conditions.
8. It is forbidden to use the site for illegal purposes, including the publication in personal ads and comments of unlawful content, content depicting or promoting violence, hate, discrimination (on racial, cultural, ethnic, religious, and similar grounds), content that may be considered offensive or violating personal rights or rights of third parties (in particular intellectual property rights, including copyright).
9. It is forbidden to distribute content and to post pictures of a pornographic, paedophilic nature or ones that use animals for sex-related purposes.
10. It is forbidden to use the site for the purpose of prostitution, soliciting or profiting from prostitution.
11. It is forbidden to place in the content of the personal ads and comments any links to other websites without the consent of the site administrator.
12. It is forbidden to use the content of personal ads and comments as well as photos to advertise or promote other websites or products without the consent of the site
13. The site administrator reserves the right to delete or temporarily block the account of a user who violates these Terms and Conditions, which will prevent or temporarily restrict access to the NAIJAHOOKUP site for such users.
14. In case that these Terms and Conditions are violated by a registered user, the site administrator has the right to remove all personal ads and comments posted by this user.
15. The site administrator will notify the registered user at the e-mail address provided during registration about the intention to block the account or remove the personal ad
or the comment from the site.
16. The site administrator reserves the right to refuse to publish personal ads and content added by users if there is a suspicion that they are contrary to applicable laws or the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
17. The site administrator reserves the right to refuse to publish a personal ad without giving any reason, especially as regards publication of personal ads added in a grossly negligent manner, including ads that have sparse content, contradictory information or photos and videos that are of low quality or contain prohibited content.
18. The site administrator has the right to rephrase, summarise or delete the content of personal ads or comments, whose content is contrary to the applicable laws, vulgar or otherwise violates the Terms and Conditions.
19. By adding a personal ad, the user agrees to the publication of its content, the user’s contact details, photos and videos on the NAIJAHOOKUP site.
20. By adding a personal ad, the user declares that all and any information contained in the ad is true and that contact details, photos and videos refer only to the author of the ad and are the property of the author or the person with whose consent the ad is added to the NAIJAHOOKUP site.
21. Impersonation of third persons, posting photos or data of third parties without their consent is prohibited.
22. It is forbidden to copy any part or content of the site without written consent of the administrator.
23. Users of the site are obliged to follow the general rules of using the Internet, in particular they must not use the disclosed email addresses to send spam.

Responsibility of the site administrator

1. The site administrator is not liable for the content and nature of personal ads or comments presented on the site. Liability in this respect is borne by the user of the site who posted the personal ad or comment.
2. The user of the NAIJAHOOKUP site bears full responsibilities for the content, pictures and all and any information contained in the personal ad or comment posted by them.
3. The site administrator has the right to verify whether the personal ad complies with the rules laid down in these Terms and Conditions.
4. At the request of a registered user, their personal ad may be removed from the site by the site administrator.
5. In the event that personal ads or comments violate third party rights (in particular personal rights, property rights or copyrights), responsibilities for such a fact are borne by the user who posted such personal ads or comments. The site administrator is not liable in such situations.
6. In case of any claims raised by third parties against the site administrator related to the posted personal ads, photos or comments, the user who posted the personal ad, photo or comment will be obliged to cover all the costs and expenses, including those related to legal proceedings, incurred by the site administrator on this account.
7. The site administrator is not liable for any damage arising in connection with any interruptions in the functioning of the site caused by force majeure, equipment failure or unauthorised interference of the site users, and also in case of lack of temporary access to the service due to changes being made to the site system.
8. The content of personal ads and comments of the site users must not be equated with views and opinions of the administrator.
9. The administrator is not liable for any use by the registered users of the site or any third parties of the personal data of other users or third parties available on the site in a manner inconsistent with the objectives of the site.

Data of users

1. Each registered user of the site is entitled to have access to and make changes to their personal data and to request erasure of their data from the site, which means the removal of all personal ads posted by that person on the site.
2. Upon registration, the site user agrees to the processing of their personal data contained in the registration form by the site administrator.
3. By registering, the user gives their consent to processing and using their contact details for marketing purposes of the site administrator and informing them about new personal ads, promotions and special offers of the NAIJAHOOKUP site.

Final provisions

1. By using the site the user accepts the Terms and Conditions in their current form.
2. Each registered user of the NAIJAHOOKUP site is required to comply with these Terms and Conditions and to refrain from undertaking any activities that would violate the privacy or interest of other users, in particular spreading false information about other users.
3. Any site user who makes their account available to third parties is liable for the consequences caused by the actions of such third parties.
4. Acting to the detriment of the administrator and other site users or third parties is prohibited.
5. All cases of gross violations of law or acting to the detriment of third parties by site users will be reported by the administrator to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
6. The administrator is entitled to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time, without having to justify the decision.
7. The site administrator will inform the users about making each amendment to the Terms and Conditions by publishing the consolidated text of the Terms and Conditions on the site.
8. The new Terms and Conditions and any amendments made to them enter into force on the day they are published.
9. Users may contact the site administrator, including reporting any comments and sending any reservations regarding the functioning of the site.


Posted on May 24, 2024

Updated on June 6, 2024